Yesterday I headed out the door for a run to clear my head. I was feeling in a bit of a funk and I spent the first few minutes silently grumbling about stuff that had happened during the morning. Zeebo was upset not to be accompanying me on the run, but at 93 degrees at 5:00 pm in the afternoon, it was just too hot to bring him along. My neighborhood run consists of a series of one mile loops on a blessedly shady, wooded trail. As I completed the first mile loop and began the short descent toward the now dry, Solano Creek, I was momentarily startled by a young raccoon crossing my path on his way into the woods. I have seen raccoons in the neighborhood late at night on occasion, but this was the first one I have encountered in the 10 years of running on the trail. We both stopped mid-step in our tracks and quizzically assessed each other. After about 15 seconds, the raccoon ambled off, tossing calm glances over his shoulder to keep posted on my whereabouts until he disappeared into the thick brush.
I smiled as I continued on the run and spent the next several moments replaying the encounter in my mind. I remembered reading somewhere about how we should be aware of the animals which come into our lives and what their presence might tell us. I couldn't remember the source, but I recalled it had something to do with "totems" and what the animal spirit may be trying to tell us. So what was Ricky Raccoon trying to convey as I grumbled and frowned my way through the first part of my run?
After a quick search on the internet when I returned home, I learned that I could interpret Ricky's presence as a Message Totem. According to Native American belief, message totems are unusual encounters with animals which serve as a wake up call; knocking one out of his or her usual habit or thoughts. A raccoon symbolizes transformation and curiosity. His spirit may have been asking me to let go of a situation, person or habit that was causing strife and stress. This certainly fit the bill for where my thoughts were at the onset of my run: My mind and body were ensnared by negativity. Ricky was encouraging me to let go of the situation and shift or transform my thoughts into a place of curiosity. How could I approach the situation from a self-affirming place?
In working with clients, I continually encourage them to approach problems from a place of curiosity and wonder. I ask: How could you view the situation from another perspective? What would open up if you moved out of a place of judgment and criticism? I often encourage clients to purchase and read the book "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life" and help them learn to shift out of judgment onto the track of optimism.
As I began my run, I was definitely stuck in the Judger mode unable to switch into a more positive mental state. My brief encounter with my raccoon totem was my living, breathing, message to make a mental shift toward embracing optimism and light. What an unexpected experience! The encounter not only lifted my mood for the remainder of the run but it has kept me focused on the message even today. I never know what I might experience as I step out the door on a run and I look forward in anticipation to my next message from nature!
Thought for the Day: What messages are you receiving from others that are encouraging you to shift your thinking toward a place of optimism and curiosity? What or who might be serving as your message totem this week?
Listen to all the teachers in the woods. Watch the trees, the animals and all the living things--you'll learn more from them than books." --Joe Coyhis~
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