Today marks the first anniversary of the birth of this blog! (Can you hear the honk of the horns, cheers from the crowd, and the blast of the whistles?) When I first began this blog 12 months ago, I had no idea whether I would burn out after a few months of writing, or if the fountain of inspiration would run dry. Would I still enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts and discoveries after 12 months of weekly journaling?
I am happy to say that I still love it and find the time I spend tapping away at my keyboard, enlightening, exciting, and energizing. It is a bit of a strange endeavor to simply post ideas and thoughts and never know if there is another person out there reading what I have to say on a particular subject (hint-hint: please drop me a line just to let me know you are out there!) I liken myself to a small, shiny space satellite, silently orbiting around the earth, sending out a message of goodwill, hoping that the message is picked up by intelligent life and that it is interpreted and incorporated to improve someone's existence. My hope is that my weekly messages serve to entertain you, provide you with a different perspective and gently encourage you to make changes to help you achieve your best life.
Looking back through the archives, I have shared with you experiences from my own life. I have given voice to the thoughts that weigh heavy on my mind. I have offered you my services as a life coach to encourage you to take some risks and create some change. You've read about my interactions with my family members, my relationship with my daughter, my adventures and experiences, and the life lessons I have learned from my dogs.
I have written about the power of mindfulness; the importance of organization in one's mind and environment; the process of recovery from grief and loss; and how to shift your attitude from one of negativity to one of openness and optimism. I have written about transitions and provided you with steps on how to navigate and accept change in your life.
I have shared with you experiences from some of my clients and how the coaching relationship encouraged them to strive and reach goals that were previously seemingly, unattainable. I have challenged you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace opportunity. I have introduced you to some of my favorite books on self-growth and optimizing one's life. Each and every week I have encouraged you to stretch a bit through my Thought for the Day questions in the hope that you will test them out and apply them to your own life situation in order to make subtle shifts in your day-to-day experience. I shared my favorite inspiring and thought-provoking quotes and song lyrics. I have asked you to move from a state of unconscious existence to one of conscious experience--choosing to acknowledge with gratitude, the abundance you experience each day. I have encouraged you to speak and interact with greater compassion--both towards yourself and towards others.
On this blog-birthday, it is my hope that you have enjoyed the past issues' topics and ideas. Take some time to go back and review some of your favorites or catch up on some of the entries you may have missed the first time around. I hope this year-old baby blog has helped you to grow this year. I hope to have made an impact on your life, even if only for the few moments you spent reading the post. Send me a birthday greeting and drop me an email letting me know how Envision Your Dreams has helped you to move forward toward the realization of your own dreams!
Thanks for reading!
Thought for the Day: Review some of the past entries and choose one to put into action for yourself this week. Create some change in your life NOW!
"May you live all the days of your life."
--Jonathan Swift
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