First off--let me apologize for my month-long absence from the blogworld. Several of my readers sent me concerned emails wondering if all was okay with me and my family. I appreciate your notes of concern and can assure everyone that things have been going fine--just extremely busy, but all in a good way. My blog-writing took a place on the back burner for a bit while my attention and time were shifted elsewhere. But, now I'm back and can fill you in on all that has been happening! These weeks have been filled with many blessings and opportunities and I can't wait to share them with you. First I need to explain an experiment I consciously conducted on myself. Since I am a believer in the Law of Attraction I felt I needed to put it to the test, particularly since I encourage my clients to do the same. If I can't show evidence that something is effective, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend something to a client that I do not believe will be helpful. So for several months I have been meditating several times per day on several powerful words. I breathe deeply and repeat my mantra while I walk the dogs, or while I run, or while I am sitting in traffic. I will share my words with you so that you can witness how they have been manifested in my life recently and perhaps you can use them in your own life or you might be inspired to create your own mantra. My mantra at this point in my life is this:
Over the past month, each one of these gifts have been offered to me. (1) Last month I was put in contact with a local psychologist who was looking to serve as a mentor to train another psychologist in the area of biofeedback. If you are not familiar with biofeedback, it is a mind-body therapy tool using electronic instruments to help a person gain awareness and control over certain responses such as skin temperature, blood pressure, and brain flow. Research shows the biofeedback is useful in treating a variety of disorders. Biofeedback teaches the client how to learn to control their mind and body and to take a more active role in maintaining their own health and stress responses. Biofeedback has always been an area of interest for me, but I have never had the time nor the opportunity to learn more about it. A colleague put me in touch with this psychologist and yesterday I had my second biofeedback session! It was an amazing process--to realize that I could change the way my body reacted to stressors simply by shifting my position, or breathing deeply, or visualizing a calming scenario. I could see the spikes change on the monitor as I experimented with slight movement or body shifts and I could hear the beeps slow down in response to my shifts. I am so excited to be able to offer this technique in the future to my clients as I see it as another tool I can teach my clients to empower themselves and to gain greater control over their health and wellness. Truly cool stuff!
(2) Several weeks ago my family and I took a quick trip back east to spend our first Thanksgiving in our little place in Cape Cod. If you are familiar with my past writings about the fondness and connection I feel for the Cape, you can appreciate just how special it was for me to be able to smell the ocean air, feed the seagulls and hunt for shells and beachglass in NOVEMBER! The coastal environment and landscape soothes my soul and nurtures me in a way that is like no other. Usually I am only able to "recharge" once a year when we spend our summer there, but this year, I was able to get a bonus recharge! The little town where we live was beautiful: there was still a bit of fall color in the trees and the light had shifted to deepen all the colors. There was a hint of coming winter in the air and crunchy leaves were everywhere! The blessings of Health and Energy were also evident since I was able to enjoy several inspiring runs along the water and walks around the neighborhood with my husband.
(3) The most recent blessings of Opportunity and Abundance arrived last week when I was able to accompany my husband to Ft. Lauderdale. To have the opportunity to walk the beach twice in three weeks at the end of the Fall was incredible! Not only were we able to get away on a mini vacation without daughter and dogs, but we were also able to connect with members of my family who live in the area and whom I hadn't seen since last December. Since most of my surviving family lives in FL and my husband's family is spread out from CA to NY, so the opportunity for family get-togethers is not frequent. Since reaching adulthood, I have never lived in the same state with any blood-family members, other than the family I created with my husband. So, to be able to spend time with my college-age niece in Hollywood and my cousin and his partner in South Beach was a fantastic bonus!
(4) Yesterday my friend Karen called me to join her on her radio program (Magic FM105.3)Monday morning since her coworker, Jay, is on vacation and she doesn't want to do the show alone! The blessing of Opportunity again! If you are up and awake at 6:30 am CST, tune in to listen to Karen and I talk about preparing for the New Year!
(5) My little inspirational piggies are flying all over the country to fill stockings for the holidays! I have received orders from California to Vermont and I am thrilled that my message of inspiration is spreading and my piggies and tees will be inspiring others achieve their dreams.
So, all in all it has been a month filled with exciting stuff--all of which I am extremely grateful! Create a positive mantra for yourself--give it a shot for 30 days and see what happens!
"Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail."
--Charles Kettering
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