This week was a great week in terms of educating more people about the philosophy of my logo and products emblazoned with the flying pig. I received several orders for my plush piggies and t-shirts and had a number of opportunities to speak to groups about the concept of allowing one's dreams to take flight toward possibility.
"So what is with the pigs," you ask? I view the flying pig from a slightly different perspective than most. Rather than seeing the impossibility of a pig taking wing, I feel the symbol of the flying pig allows us to challenge our self-doubts or the negative comments of others to move forward in the direction of realizing our dreams and personal goals, whether that means losing some weight, finishing a degree, changing careers or becoming more assertive in relationships with others. I believe (and witness as a coach and psychologist) that most people do not have enough supportive and encouraging people in their lives to help guide them, cheer them on and provide a nonjudgmental ear in which to confide their dreams and worries. When a person feels unsupported and criticized, the light of inspiration begins to dim and the spirit shrinks in response. I help my clients to throw open the window of possibility and allow some fresh and hopeful air to enter their lives, thus allowing them to grow in confidence and achieve their best in life. My German friend, Catharina, said there is a saying that refers to when a person really "let's go" or is having a great time experiencing life. It roughly translates to "letting the sow out"--we laughed over this interpretation, but I think the concept is still the same--believe in yourself and experience the possibilities!
Yesterday I spoke with my friend, Poonam, a fellow psychologist, about the excitement and energy we receive as we bear witness to our clients' personal evolution. We both talked about the gift we receive as we watch a client's confidence unfold and blossom as he or she begins to believe in themselves and take steps to realize their potential. This is what I love about my work--I feel truly blessed to be a part of my clients' experiences, helping them to achieve more satisfaction and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives. I can't think of many jobs that would be more rewarding!
My questions to you this week are: What can you do to allow your own dreams to take flight? What steps can you take to move toward the realization of some of your most precious dreams? This week I would like you to take some time to identify a life-goal you would like to work on. One of the things I remind my clients of is that we don't know how long we will be here on this earth, or when illness will strike, or when circumstances will arise that will make opportunities for change more difficult. Why wait to begin to live the life you want? As an 80 year old, wouldn't you rather look back on a life filled with memories and accomplishments rather than a life filled with missed opportunities and regret? The time to begin your BIG life is today!
I can't stress enough that we all need support and encouragement as we change our behaviors or move into unexplored territory. We are social beings and thrive when we feel connected to a pack. If you are truly serious about making change in your life--identify who you want to be in your "pack" or on your "team." Find a mentor, a coach, a therapist, a group of like-minded people, what ever will work for you as you prepare for lift-off! Not only will the support be helpful but you will feel a greater sense of accountability and increase your likelihood of sticking with a plan when you have other people involved. This week, picture yourself as that little flying piggy, full of confidence, inspiration and commitment to a goal. Isn't today a beautiful day to fly?
Thought for the Day: How can you help someone to take wing and fly this week? Who is your coach who will help you achieve your best life? What do you need to do to "let the sow out?"
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." --Walt Disney
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