I am so excited to announce my new website "Envision Your Dreams" is up and soaring! Thanks to the hard work of my graphics/web designer, Jeff Heinke, my dream of bringing the flying pig to "life" has come true!
Okay, I am sure you are asking yourselves, what is with the flying pig?
Well, the idea came to me about a year and a half ago. I began to take notice of images of flying pigs. Then I began to purchase flying pigs: a car magnet over the web, a Christmas tree topper in Dallas, a windcatcher flying pig for the garden in Pennsylvania. The flying pig began to resonate with me as a perfect symbol for coaching!
Why? Because when people typically think about the symbolism of the flying pig they usually conjure up negative associations like "it will never happen", "yeah, right, when pigs fly". In contrast, I have flipped the symbolism to mean hopefulness and readiness to move toward realizing dreams. I see the pig as representing confidence, self-assuredness and openness to possibility. The flying pig is not grounded from realizing "her" dreams by self-doubts or limiting self comments. Additionally, the flying pig believes in "herself" and does not let the negative comments of others hold her back from taking off!
So the flying pig is now my logo and my company name is "Envision Your Dreams." The website is actually two websites in one in that one provides information about coaching and freebies and the other is an online store for flying piggy merchandise (hint hint: the holidays are DAYS away and what would be a better gift than a flying pig?). I think the flying pig is something that people "get" in relation to inspiration and motivation. My dream is to see my piggy everywhere because people want to spread the inspirational word of soaring toward one's dreams!
I invite you to check out my site and let me know your thoughts and suggestions!
Thought for the day: Isn't today a beautiful day to fly?
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